NeuroElectric Therapy



A single mother who had tried, and failed, to beat her addiction - even to the point of suicide.


“I’d just had enough of everything.  I’d had enough because I couldn’t be the Mum that I should be.”

After NET

 “I’d give it 11 out of 10.  Definitely.  For me it has worked. I just feel confident in myself now, which I’ve never felt.  I feel happy, I feel that my head and my heart are connected.”


Had been addicted to heroin for many years and seen many of her closest friends die from drug abuse.


“Right now I’ve got no toxins in my body, I’m drug free and I’m not rattling, and I’m not craving.  I feel fine, I feel normal. They can’t get better, they’re gone.  When you’re straight, that’s when you realise the severity of what’s happened, and the people that you’ve lost … it’s hard.”


Who had struggled with addiction for years; her cravings for heroin were constant.

Before NET

“I’ve tried so many times to come off heroin.  It didn’t work, I wasn’t strong enough … so this is my last hope.”


“I’ve not have any cravings at all. I’ve not had any since I came off. I just say there’s hope for every addict in Scotland. It can be done ... There is hope.” 


Who had also been brought to the brink of desperation by her heroin addiction.


“Even if it is going to be a bit painful to go through, it’s still going to help me in the long run.  I’m hoping it’s a miracle cure.  I don’t know, I’m hoping that it helps.”


“I jumped out of bed this morning, I actually did, I swear, I jumped out of bed.  And I’ve never done that for years!”  

“I’m drug free and I’m going to stay that way.” 


The mother of 3 small children.  Hopelessly addicted to heroin for 10 years.


“I just want to have my own life back for myself and my kids. I’d give my right arm to come off it just now.”


“It’s a massive change.  I just thought at first, ‘och these are just plugged in to make us feel as if we’re not doing a cold turkey.’  On Monday morning I woke up and it was ‘wow, what a relief!’  It was different and I’ve not had Suboxone for 2 days now, so, I’m doing really well.”


Had only been using heroin for 7 months, but was already hooked.

Before NET

“I just want my brain to be alert again, you know I want to better myself, I want to get a good job, and I want to have children maybe.”

After NET

“It certainly gives you a chance, I mean it gives you instead of no, no option at all in your brain, it gives you at least a 50/50 chance.”

Dr. Richard Corbett

Observing treatment in 1977:

“I wasn’t the only skeptic; the patient was skeptical too. Twenty four hours after we initiated the therapy  I returned to see him.  I walked into the room and there he was, sitting there with no withdrawal symptomatology, his pupils normal and obviously not under the influence of drugs. He looked at me and, with an honesty that only that moment could capture, said to me, 'I just can’t believe this!' ... and I said, 'Neither can I !' I was an immediate convert.”


Poly-substance dependent.

After NET

"Although deeply wrung out, shaken, and quite weak, I had gotten free of massive amounts of drugs, in only ten days, with no lingering withdrawals. It was amazing, to say the least, and was certainly unlike anything I’d ever experienced before.  Walking away from methadone and cocaine, heroin, Valium, phenobarbital et al, feeling ok and reasonably stable in only ten days, is just astonishing! Yet this is what I experienced."



“Meg Patterson saved my life.  Did you know that?”


Heroin addict.


"It’s so simple it’s not true... it’s a little metal box with leads that clip onto your ears, and in two or three days – which is the worst period for kicking junk – in those 72 hours it leaves your system. Actually, you should be incredibly sick, but for some reason you’re not. Why? I dunno, 'cause all it is is a very simple electronic nine-volt battery-run operation."


Addicted to benzodiazepines and antidepressants for 34 years.


"Gardening, furniture restoring, walking and swimming are some of the things I do to exercise both my body and mind .  .  .  .  .  Just being alive and part of the family, going places with the them and having my grandchildren run up and put their arms around me instead of hiding from me, to have people not turn away or pretend I am not there is something I cherish."


Addicted to heroin for 5 years. Previously failed to come off several times.


"The Cravings disappeared on day one, since then I’ve only ever thought about heroin because I’ve been talking about it - but I’ve never thought about it in a desirable way."

"I would love to see this actually being used in clinics. It would change a lot of people’s lives, it’s changed my life, it could change others. I would love for this to be given the chance."

"I know it’s worked for me and I wouldn’t lie about it. I never expected this to go the way it did, I just thought I would give it a go and see the outcome, I’m amazed and can’t thank everyone enough for what they have done for me."

Maxie Richards

Drug Counsellor, Maxie Richards Foundation, Scotland.

"I have treated people who were trying to go cold turkey, I’ve treated people using drug assistance and now I’ve treated someone using NET, and NET is the answer."

Rebecca Yagi

Drug Nurse, on being asked if she had had any problems.

"Well ... it doesn’t work in 24 hours. It takes about 4 days. Is that a problem? No it’s not. It’s much quicker than a normal detox and so no, I haven’t found any problems with it."